Situations Vacant

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Branch Applied In *
Post Applied For *
Subject *
Upload Photograph of the Applicant
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Personal Details
Name of the Applicant (in block letters)
Date of Birth
Mother's Name
Mother's Occupation
Father's Name
Father's Occupation
Spouse's Name
Spouse's Occupation
Present Residential Address *
Permanent Residential Address *
Mobile Number *
Email Address *
Academic Qualification
YearMediumName of the School & CityYear of Passing & Name of the BoardSubjects TakenDivision% ObtainedRegular/Distance
Sr. Secondary
CoursesCollege/UniversityYear of PassingSubjects TakenDivision% ObtainedRegular/Distance
Post. Graduation
Prof. Degree
Details of Experience
Name of InstitutionFrom (Month-Year)To (Month-Year)Subjects & Classes taughtSalary DrawnRemarks
Total Experience (in years) : Teaching Years
Total Experience (in years) : Admin Years
Basic Pay
Gross Salary
Knowledge of foreign languages (give details)
Names of games which you can play regularly
Please state below activities in which you can train students
Any other relevant information
Name of Reference (1)
Address of Reference (1)
Mobile No. of Reference (1)
No. of duly attested testimonials and certificates
The exact period after which you can join, if selected
Details of Childrens
1) Name
1) Gender
1) Date of Birth
1) Age
2) Name
2) Gender
2) Date of Birth
2) Age
Upload Resume
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